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SCATA's main focus is on trading, developing and managing community assets for the benefit of local people. Initially this is through the provision of affordable housing as this was a key priority identified in the 2009 Parish Plan.

SCATA's first project was the development of seven affordable homes - six in Guessburn and one on New Ridley Road. More information can be found below.

Building Affordable Homes

During the time a Community Development Trust was under discussion, two small brownfield sites became available and the possibility of developing affordable housing units emerged.

Major efforts were made to assess support for the project which included carrying out a major housing needs survey, and other consultation activities including exhibitions of the plans and drop-in sessions as indicated by the following information documents distributed to the local community - links to  SCAN Extra Branch End and SCAN Extra Guessburn.

2. Guessburn Completion midres.jpg

Guessburn & Branch End

Project Name:
Guessburn & Branch End

Stocksfield, Northumberland

Local Authority:
Northumberland County Council

Stocksfield Community Association Trading Arm (SCATA), Isos Housing, HCA
NB Clark, HMH Architects, 3E Engineers, the whole community in Stocksfield.

Total Cost:

Number of homes:

Six units - two bungalows and four flats were built on the site at Guessburn whilst a single bungalow was built on the Branch End site. Planning permission was secured in September 2013 and construction finally got under way in March 2014.

The Guessburn site, formerly the home of the snooker club, accommodates six of the seven planned units and comprises  two 2-bedroomed bungalows and four 2-bedroomed flats .

Parking, open space, landscaping and planting were an integral part of the project as was ecological mitigation and enhancement, which included erecting bird and bat boxes.

A huge benefit for the parish is that the £100,000 income from the sale of the snooker club was re-invested in sports facilities via a major extension of the club house on the village sports field.

Keys for this development were handed over in early April and the official opening ceremony was performed by Alan Milburn on Friday 1 May 2015. 

The last of the seven homes on Branch End was completed in July 2015.  Pictured below is SCATA chair, Pete Duncan, with residents Elaine and Leslie Wilson outside their lovely new home.

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